Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Computers Suck My Brain

"The internet provides arbitrarily many ways to waste your time. The problem is picking your poison." 

That was my Facebook status today.

My first Tweet of the day today (from @sdorneman) was "Considering Twittering about how I'm spending too much time on Twitter, but that would be a waste of time."

Anyone starting to see a pattern here?

Perhaps I should go offline for a while. I might not get any more writing done, Lord knows I can come up with enough distractions in the physical world to stop that, but I won't know unless I try. The first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem, they say. (They also talk about recognizing a higher power, but I don't think I'd recognize either Mark Zuckerberg or Biz Stone if I saw them on the street.)

I might just try it. Really.

Someday soon.

Well, maybe I can still check Twitter and FB from the iPhone. Just during the commute, I mean that wouldn't be so bad, would it?

Thanks for Reading,
