Friday, July 9, 2010

Pressure Cooking Your Characters

Hmmm. "Goth Lolita" keeps getting longer, and I've got some witty dialogue and motivation and physical action, but in all this movement the main POV character seems like he's only along for the ride. (Both figuratively, and literally as well. He's about to be picked up in a van. Do I really need a van scene?). Sure, the other characters want something from him (oh look, motivation!), but I'm only getting a sense of detached amusement from him in return. I have no idea what he wants for himself, and what he's like at the core.

"Detached amusement" may indeed be the state in which I spend much of my day, but then, I wouldn't make a very interesting character in this story either.

Time to push this character and see what's under that detachment. He's a smooth guy, and things have been going smoothly so far. But smooth surfaces don't cut.

A wise woman once told me if your main character's not breaking a sweat, it's time to turn up the heat. Bring on the trouble, then make that trouble worse. Put them under pressure, ask them to choose between two bad alternatives. If you love your characters (and we all do), yes, it's going to be hard to see them hurt. But have no mercy. Kick them while they're down.

Time to turn up the heat, and tighten the lid on the pressure cooker.

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