Friday, July 2, 2010

"So, did you give up on the Blog, or what?"

I checked into my Blogger Dashboard (to edit the blogs I'm subscribed to) today and happened to notice this line:

19 Posts, last published on Apr 18, 2010

Gee, and it seems like only yesterday I was at Grub Street's Muse and the Marketplace Conference (that would have been in early May), where a member of my writing group asked me, "So, did you give up on the Blog, or what?" Now it's July.

Time flies when you're writing regularly. Time flies even faster when you're NOT writing regularly.

For the past two weeks I've been in a writer's ditch, a writer's drought, a slump, a block, a... well, a whatever you want to call it. That is, I haven't been writing. In fact, I've been finding excuses not to write, to be precise.

(By the way, the only good thing about actively avoiding writing is that if one of your favorite not-writing excuses is 'I'll just go the gym and clear my head first' you end up getting some cardio out of your angst.)

But now I'm sore (from the gym) and tired (of my own avoidance behavior). I have a review that's overdue, a writer's group meeting coming up, and almost no submissions in circulation. Rather than dwell on the many character flaws that brought me here, I'm going to do something about them. Re-opening this Blog editor window and typing the words you're reading is the first step.

A three-day weekend starts tomorrow. If I don't have some new writing by the end of it, you'll hear it from me here. Feel free to boo and hiss if that happens, or send encouraging words to prevent it from happening.

New writing from me coming up. And Blogging Doesn't Count.

Happy Independence Day, Everyone.

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