Saturday, May 31, 2014

Sekrit BoNoProMo Bonus Post

Yes, I summed up my BoNoProMo experience this month only two days ago, but I'm back again, for a couple of reasons:

1. To tell you that I did indeed finish out the entire month, by adding on an hour and a half of writing both yesterday and now today, and

2. Because in truth, I worked on my current fiction project for only a little over 45 minutes this evening before reaching a point where I wanted to ruminate on the next scene before plunging ahead. So, I actually needed the time it's taken to write this final BoNoProMo blog post in order to make #1 above true.

It still isn't easy for me to sit down and start pulling words out of thin air (or even, as some might assert, out of certain nether regions). It never has been - that's why I started this blog in the first place, five years ago, as a New Year's resolution of sorts. So in a way, with BoNoProMo I've come full circle.

Perhaps the writing habit will never fully stick.

But I am confident now that if I do take the time, make the time, to put my butt in the chair, that the words, at least some words, words in sentences that can later be broken apart and then put back together again, which is something that you can't do without words in the first place, those words and sentences, they indeed will come.

And right now, gaining that confidence is good enough for me.

Thanks for reading,


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