Sunday, March 28, 2010

Slowly Getting Back on the Horse

You take a week off from the gym (or a month, or a year), and that first trip back hurts. I'm told it's the same with bronco busting. And I know it's the same thing with writing.

If it weren't for deadlines, or for Carrie Heim's blog contest, I'd likely still be looking up at that big scary Arabian stallion of a blank page and wondering what the hell am I doing -- because I know this is gonna hurt.

I squeezed out five hundred words tonight. I doubt if they're any good, but there they are.

I wonder how much pain I'll be in when I look at them tomorrow.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The World Doesn't Stop?

What do you mean, the world doesn't stop when your wife's in the hospital and you're either there yourself or worrying because you're not there? Who made these rules?

She's home now, doing fine. My world can start again.

Friday, March 5, 2010

15 Actual Reasons, but All Poor Excuses, as to Why I'm Not Writing Fiction Right Now

  1. I'm working on this blog.
  2. Mentally exhausted after a hectic week at work.
  3. I'm "in-between projects" and looking for inspiration.
  4. My fingers hurt when I type.
  5. We have yesterday's Daily Show, the Colbert Report, and Project Runway on the DVR.
  6. I already mixed myself a mudslide.
  7. Because I suck.
  8. Because I suck so much I'm getting writer's block after seven reasons already.
  9. Wait, here's one: because I haven't read the updates to all the other writers' blogs that I follow.
10. I'm wondering if those other writers were working on their blogs because they were stuck, too.
11. I have to take Ellie out for her walk soon, and I can't start something because it'll be interrupted.
12. I wonder what the dog thinks we do at the computer that's so fascinating?
13. I can't even make a simple list without my mind wandering, is this what early-onset dementia feels like?
14. How many reasons did I put in the title? Twenty five?!? Well, there's an easy edit.
15. And finally, because it's past my bedtime. Well, at least now it is. 25, I mean 15, reasons later.