Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Rough Day at Work?

I know I've had one.

And I'll admit, I was just about to bag the New Year's resolution for today and not write, do any kind of writing-related activity, go out for the evening, or even update this blog because I was, and am, tired. Tired from a mentally, although certainly not physically, exhausting day.

Then I remembered some other working stiffs, who've likely had their share of rough days, too.

Vyvyane Loh, who I heard speak at last year's Muse and the Marketplace conference, wrote her first novel Breaking the Tongue while in med school (and working, and getting an MFA, but med school is enough by itself, don't you think)?

Katrina Firlik, who wrote Another Day in the Frontal Lobe about her work as a freakin' brain surgeon.

And it's not just the doctors. Anthony Bourdain, pounding out his satirical thriller A Bone in the Throat while slinging hash. Roberth Grisham, working lawyer. And pretty much everybody else who didn't write their first book or story while in college or on unemployment, come to think of it.

You work because you don't get paid to do this stuff, at least not the first time around.

It's only 9:20. I still should be able to get at least half an hour in tonight.

Time to get to work.

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